Digital Content Management

By Bhagvan Kommadi


Enterprise Content management consists of capturing, search and networking of documents with archiving, document management and workflow. Digital asset management is a type of Enterprise Content Management where content is stored with digital technology. Open source ECM products are Alfresco, eXo Platform, LogicalDOC, Sense/Net, eZ Publish, KnowledgeTree, Jumper 2.0, Nuxeo, and Plone. The enterprise content management standards which are evolving are HIPAA, SAS 70, BS 7799 and ISO/IEC 27001.

Digital Content Management Strategy

Content Management Strategy is about creating, updating, processing it through a workflow and distributing the content. Content types are online and offline. Online content is through various channels like social, web, blogs, mobile and email. Offline content is through leaflets, brochures and mailshots. Workflow strategy is to create the roles and responsibilities for creation, updating, archiving and deleting the content. Governance is about setting the ground rules and resources. Resources are mapped to people and systems for content management. The success of the strategy is measured through key metrics for different content management process areas. The key metrics are the following:
  • Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management system is very popular in media and entertainment industry. Basically, it is a content management solution for digital assets. A typical Digital content management is used in world leading media and e-commerce companies such as BBC, CNN, Amazon, Walmart etc. Media and E-commerce companies possess a very large volume of digital assets related to products and services. Digital Asset Management facilitates organization of those assets for easy retrieval, protecting the assets from accessed by unauthorized users.

Digital asset management (DAM) involves the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution of digital assets. Digital Asset management systems are various types. Brand asset management systems, Library Asset management systems, Production asset management systems and Cloud based Digital Asset management systems are the different types of Digital Asset management systems.

  • Brand Asset Management

Brand asset management systems involve largely marketing or sales-related content, e.g., product imagery, logos, marketing collateral or fonts.

  • Library Asset Management

Library asset management systems focus on storage and retrieval of large amounts of infrequently changing media assets, e.g., video or photo archiving.

  • Production Asset Management

Production asset management systems manage assets created for a digital media production (e.g., video game, 3D feature film, animation, visual-effects shots). Work-flow, project-management and the storage, organization and revision control of frequently changing digital assets are the features of Production asset management systems. Cloud-based Digital Asset Management systems are emerging to complement the on premise systems.

  • Metadata Platform

The metadata of an asset describes parts of the asset. Authorship and rights information, parts included in the published content are retained in the metadata. The parts can be video, images, tables, reference and links.

Assets are managed by collecting and storing in a digital format. Metadata of the asset can vary based on the needs of the system, designer and user. Metadata consists of encoding/decoding, provenance, ownership, access rights and others. Asset Types are managed by the Digital Asset management system. Asset has many asset Types. Users of the system will have roles and belong to one or more groups.

Extensible Metadata Platform is the standard from ISO created by Adobe for the creation, processing and interchange of standardized and custom metadata for digital assets. The metadata platform standardizes the data model, a serialization format and core properties of extensible metadata. The guidelines are provided for embedding XMP information into popular image, video and document file formats, such as JPEG and PDF, without breaking their readability by applications that do not support XMP. The non-XMP metadata have to be reconciled with the XMP properties. The metadata can alternatively be stored in a separate file, embedding metadata avoids problems that occur when metadata are stored separately.

  • Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing platform manages the customer’s experience through digital channels. Marketing strategies have evolved from traditional selling to customer satisfaction and retention due to the competition. Digitalization and Internet provides enormous scope to target customers and user experience enhancement.

Marketing offers target the customer interaction through social networking, web, instant messaging systems and mobile apps. Digital marketing software market is attributed by increasing digital marketing proportion in overall marketing budget of organization, real-time marketing, large volume of unstructured data, increasing internet usage and broadband connections, emerging social media platform and increasing adoption of mobile devices.

Cloud based solutions play significant role in improving the growth due to its attributes which are cost effectiveness, minimum IT investment, automatic integrations and easy accessibility.

  • Digital Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing strategy consist of a brand story or a mission. The content is aligned to the buyer personas and has the language which the target audience can relate to. The style guide is created for marketing content templates, documents and media. The style guide need to match the brand persona and is consistent across different platforms.

Author Bio:

Bhagvan Kommadi is a Co-Founder at Architect Corner. Bhagvan is an experienced Vice President who has created Products & Incubation of Product Startups, ISV Development centers, Center of Excellence (COE) and enterprise solution practices. For over 17 years, he has worked in the areas of enterprise risk management, enterprise spend management, supply chain planning, enterprise contract management, enterprise marketing management, enterprise mobility, enterprise content management, enterprise security , service oriented architecture and business process management.