Certified IT Architect Professional (CITA-P) and Certified IT Architect Specialist (CITA-S) represent architects who have reached the degree of skill necessary to deal with the vast majority of architecture opportunities. Having built on the learning at the Associate level, they can now transfer that into knowledge through practical application. They have worked with mentors to achieve a significant level of sophistication, in general at the Enterprise level or within their specialization.  Certified Architects also give back by coaching and mentoring others to advance the profession.  Finally all certified architects must adhere to a strict code of professional conduct.

Iasa Global hosts a Certified Architect community for active members using Microsoft Teams.  This community helps drive the architecture profession and gives back by coaching and mentoring, acting as reviewers for content and as members of review board panels.  Current certified architects (CITA-S or CITA-P) can contact IasaGlobal from the email address you would prefer to use and we will send you a Microsoft Teams invite. Chat soon ...